Our Results.
Here are some of the serious injury cases handled by Brown, Brown & Brown. Every case is unique. The amount of the recovery is determined by the severity of the injury and the extent of the culpability of the defendant.
Bicycle accident on a mountain trail. Products liability. Client’s prior attorneys concluded there was no case!
Auto rollover and fire. Products liability. Referred by another P.I. attorney who rejected the case.
Single vehicle auto accident case.
Electrical explosion and fire. Industrial. 6 week trial. Referred by large firm of attorneys.
Pharmaceutical injury. Products liability. Referred by attorney.
Tree trimmer struck by cut portion of tree hanging from crane. Industrial. Referred by attorney.
Auto accident.
Small plane crash.
Water drilling rig pipe fell on client. Industrial. Referred by attorney.
Chain hoist broke, allowing rock to fall on client’s leg. Products liability. Referred by attorney.
Hand injured in screw-making machine. Industrial; products liability. Referred by attorney.
Steel pipe dropped onto head. Industrial. Referred by attorney.
Single vehicle auto accident; road design case.
Auto accident; defendant ran red light.
Doctor failed to diagnose neck fracture. Medical malpractice trial.
Client was hit by taxi while crossing street in crosswalk.
Fall while fleeing from defendants’ domestic dispute. Other P.I. attorneys rejected case due to faulty analysis.
Hand injury with table saw. Industrial; products liability. Referred by attorney.
Client fell on defect in his apartment house driveway.
Air bags deployed after client’s car was fully stopped after an accident. Products liability. Referred by attorney.
Client pilot injured in hard landing after power failure due to faulty maintenance. Referred by attorney.
Client cut thumb when porcelain faucet broke. Products liability. Client was an attorney.